The First
Open Protocol Collection
AI Unleashed
Explore a vast array of AI models to generate content, create websites, and more. AI is now at your fingertips.
Pay in $OPEN
Available from any point in the world. First platform on TON that accepts payments in crypto in exchange for AI services.
Internet Freedom Redefined
Deploy websites directly onto the blockchain. Access websites directly from the blockchain.
Data belongs to you.
Explore a fully on-chain, smooth experience. Access websites using Open Portals directly through the Telegram Mini-App.
Smooth deployment. Easy access through Telegram Mini-App.
Based on TON
The fastest and most reliable blockchain is used under the hood.
Open Protocol
Open-source, inscription-based protocol that unlocks Layer 2 possibilities on TON.
Infinite Time
As long as the TON blockchain exists, your data will be stored.
AI Services
AI services are available for all users, including image and music models.
Fuel of the OPEN
Voting Power. Strong Utility.
Access the OPEN. Genesis collection based on the Open Protocol.